Top 3 Job Search Portals in the US

Top 3 Job Search Portals in the US

Searching for a job can be a frustrating experience. Even after all of the stress and effort that went into finding a job opening, there is never a guarantee that you will get an interview, let alone the job. This is where online job search portals could help out....
Spotlight on the Chief Diversity Officer

Spotlight on the Chief Diversity Officer

The chief diversity officer (CDO) of a large or publicly traded firm is the senior executive in charge of everything related to diversity, equity and inclusion – otherwise referred to as DEI. And, according to human resources (HR) directors worldwide, there is nothing...
What does a CLO do?

What does a CLO do?

The most impactful legal expert at a large or publicly traded firm is called the chief legal officer, or CLO. He or she acts at all times with a view to minimising legal risk within their organisation, by keeping its board of directors and other senior executives...